تحلیل فضایی جاذبه‌های گردشگری شهر اردبیل با استفاده از مدل مورانز

Document Type : Research Paper


استادیار، گروه مدیریت دولتی و گردشگری، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران


تحلیل فضایی جاذبه‌های گردشگری یکی از مهمترین اقداماتی است که در راستای بررسی و کنکاش ظرفیت گردشگری صورت می پذیرد. تحقیق حاضر با هدف تحلیل فضایی جاذبه‌های گردشگری شهر اردبیل است که با استفاده از مدل مورانز به بررسی و تحلیل این مقوله می پردازد. تحقیق حاضر از نوع کاربردی و روش آن پیمایشی است. داده ها و اطلاعات مرتبط از طریق مطالعات کتابخانه و تحلیل اسنادی گردآوری شده اند که در موازات آنها، با استفاده از پرسشنامه، 32 تن از خبرگان حوزه گردشگری و جغرافیا در رابطه با شاخص ها نظراتی را ابراز نمودند. روش نمونه گیری احتمالی و از نوع نمونه گیری طبقه ای است. مطابق با یافته های تحقیق، مقدار موران برای جاذبه های گردشگری شهر اردبیل حدود 0.276639 و ضمن اینکه همه ضرایب در مدل تاخیر فضایی، مدل خطای فضایی، حداقل مربعات معمولی معنی‌دار هستند، جاذبه های طبیعی شهر اردبیل بیشترین مقادیر را به خود اختصاص دادند. از نتایج تحقیق حاضر می توان به این نکته اشاره کرد که در زمینه شهر مورد مطالعه، رابطه بین جاذبه های گردشگری فرهنگی، تاریخی و طبیعی با جریان گردشگر مثبت و معنادار است و تمامی مدل های مربوطه این ارتباط مثبت را تایید می کنند و نیاز است مطابق با اولویت جاذبه ها اقدامات اساسی و مرتبط صورت پذیرند.رد که در زمینه شهر مورد مطالعه، رابطه بین جاذبه های گردشگری فرهنگی، تاریخی و طبیعی با جریان گردشگر مثبت و معنادار است و تمامی مدل های مربوطه این ارتباط مثبت را تایید می کنند و نیاز است مطابق با اولویت


Article Title [Persian]

Spatial Analysis of Tourism Attractions in Ardabil Using the Moran's Model

Abstract [Persian]

Extended Abstract


Tourist attractions act as a gathering place to display tourism resources and are the core and location of tourism activities. Tourist attractions can be sightseeing spots, natural reserves, cultural museums, tourist resorts, geoparks, etc. Therefore, many researchers have investigated and analyzed the classification of tourist attractions. For example, Pearce et al. It divides tourist attractions into two categories: natural and man-made. This classification is similar to the classification of tourism resources and shows that tourist attractions usually have integrated elements that are natural and man-made and cannot be completely separated. especially tourist attractions with natural and cultural heritage. Classify tourist attractions based on natural or man-made, paid or free, public or private, local or regional market, and domestic or international market. However, he did not suggest the names of the various tourist attractions, only the classification criteria. Lew pointed out that most studies have basically classified tourist attractions from three perspectives, namely, ideographic, structural, and cognitive tourist perspectives. Although some researchers have found that the size of regional tourist attractions is closely related to the degree of spatial density of tourist attractions, but this category needs a more detailed investigation. On the other hand, due to the complex combination of tourist attractions visited during multi-attraction trips, tourism researchers have tried to investigate the nature of tourists' spatial behavior. However, since a tourist attraction can be considered as a source of income and vital, there is a need to investigate and analyze the effective factors in this field. In addition, the use of big data and traditional geographic information systems to study the spatial pattern of tourist attractions in Ardabil region is very general, and to fill this research gap, this study deals with the spatial analysis of tourist attractions in Ardabil city. The research questions of this study are as follows.


In terms of purpose, the current research is practical and of a survey type, which deals with the spatial analysis of the tourist attractions of Ardabil city using the Moran's model. Below we describe the general approach adopted in the study, which is organized in several stages. This study uses Lew classification in relation to historical, cultural and natural attractions; He sends related indicators to tourism and geography experts in Ardabil province and analyzes the results using Moranz's formula. The next step examines whether there is spatial dependence or autocorrelation in the attractiveness patterns of tourist trips. Following the identification of different explanatory variables, these variables can also explain economic, spatial and regional characteristics. Then, modeling the relationship between tourism patterns and related explanatory variables using regression to evaluate the factors. The participants of the current research are a group of academic and executive experts in the field of tourism in Ardabil province, who were identified using stratified sampling, and 32 experts responded to the researcher's questionnaire.

Results and discussion

According to the analysis, it has been determined that the value of Moran's for the tourist attractions of Ardabil city is about 0.276639, which is a significant figure and indicates a strong positive spatial correlation. All coefficients in the spatial lag model, spatial error model, ordinary least squares are significant because the corresponding p-values are less than the 0.05 significance level. Here we see that while all three attractions, i.e. cultural, natural and historical attractions, are associated with a higher tourist flow, which considering all the values, is considered as a suitable model with a significant spatial parameter of 0.3572. In more general terms, in all models, there is a positive and meaningful relationship between tourism flow and variables such as historical, cultural and natural attractions, and this relationship is confirmed in the context of the concept of spatial analysis. Also, the obtained values show that from the experts' point of view, natural attractions are highly attractive to attract tourists in Ardabil city.


The purpose of the current research is to investigate the spatial analysis of tourist attractions in Ardabil city, which was investigated and analyzed using the Moran's model. Although it is very important to investigate the types of tourist attractions and the spatial density of tourist attractions, there is limited research on spatial patterns and factors affecting overall tourist attractions in specific regions and its components. To address the theoretical gap and further study the spatial structure of the distribution of different types of tourist attractions, this study not only classifies the tourist attractions in Ardabil city, but also examines the features of the spatial structure and their influencing factors. Tourist attractions are widely distributed in terms of spatial density and spatial distribution characteristics. This may be due to the region's rich tourism resources and developed economy, which has ultimately created a large number of tourist attractions and a high degree of development. According to the findings of the present research, firstly, natural attractions, then natural and finally, cultural attractions are the main tourist attractions in Ardabil city, which account for the flow of tourism in certain seasons of the year. Natural ecological tourism attractions and historical and cultural tourism attractions also have a great contribution in attracting tourists in Ardabil city. In general, the spatial patterns of these tourist attractions are more in historical and cultural centers than in natural areas. Also, the direction of spatial distribution of tourist attractions is also different from each other. In fact, the spatial distribution values show that the natural tourist attractions of Ardabil city are stronger than the natural and cultural tourist attractions, and this article has increased the density of tourist flow towards the historical attractions.

Keywords [Persian]

  • Tourism
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Moran'؛ s Model
  • Ardabil